Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 5 Understanding and Using Texts

As I read chapter 5, I recognized the significance of teachers and students understanding the texts that are being used in the classrooms. I believe that students should have familiarity about a text they are reading. In my opinion, motivation and complexity play a big part in understanding and using text. I think that students, as well as teachers, have to be motivated in a text in order comprehend or want to read it. I believe that students and teachers become frustrated with text if it is too difficult to comprehend or read.

I enjoyed reading the different challenges of informational, narrative, and digital texts. I realize that we have to incorporate informational texts in the classrooms, but I think that teachers should engage and motivate the students in the information being learned. I believe that many times the information in texts is too difficult for students to understand so they get discouraged and do not read the information. As a college student, I find myself getting frustrated when trying to comprehend some of the text in our books. I think that many students can relate to narrative text that they read. I enjoy narrative texts because teachers can engage and motivate students in all subject areas by using narrative texts. I really enjoyed reading about the digital texts. I could relate back to the digital text that Dr. Bishop showed us in class on Caribou on the national geographic website. I believe that students and teachers greatly benefit from digital texts in the classrooms. I have enjoyed doing the blogs, and I think students in certain grades would enjoy doing blogs in their classes.

I have learned in Dr. Ramp’s class that the readability levels of most texts are not on the grade level of the texts. I enjoyed reading this section because I could relate back to what we talked about in Dr. Ramp’s class. Another section that I thought was important in the book was selecting texts. How can teachers or schools select texts for students when there are so many different learning levels among the students in a school? I believe that it is important for teachers to have an assortment of texts. The variety of texts will help meet the learning levels or styles of all the students, and the variety of texts available is motivating and inspiring for the students.


  1. You make some great points, Karey. First, I know I have to be motivated somehow if I'm faced with a difficult text. I'm trying to read a large book about economics now, and there's just no way I'd force myself to get through it (I hope I can get through it) if it wasn't for the book club I'm in. My motivation involves talking with friends about the subject, so it's as much a social motivation as it is an interest in the topic.

  2. Karey, I enjoyed reading about the informational texts as well. Like it said in the book, we sometimes stereotype informational texts as only things like textbooks. This is not the case though. Info. texts include billboards you see on the highway and food wrappers. This would be an interesting and fun way to incorporate informational texts in the classroom

  3. Motivation is huge when it comes to working with students and the text. As a student myself, I hate reading out of the text now and when I was in grade school. I never was given or found a purpose to reading the text. Things that I enjoy I do not mind reading which leads me to believe that I do not hate reading; however, I do not like to read a text book. I have concluded that in order for me to find enjoyment in reading I must be motived to do so. How obvious these statments seem, but unfortunatley they are not put into action in the classroom.
