Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Ongoing Assessment

Ongoing assessment is vital for creating contexts for students to become more literate, progressively more educated in a content area, and ultimately victorious learners. I believe that teachers should assess students using various forms of assessments for different purposes. I think teachers should use classroom tests, conservations, interviews, surveys, classroom observations, portfolios, and authentic assessments to get to know their students as individuals.

In my opinion, the reading attitude and interest surveys are excellent ways to assess your students. By administering these surveys, the teacher is able to determine the students’ opinions about reading. When the teacher knows the student’s opinion about reading, he or she is in a better position to motivate and encourage each student to enjoy reading. I believe that students should be given interesting materials to read in the classroom so they will be motivated to read. I am excited about administering these surveys to the student that I will be tutoring this semester. I am ready to learn about my student’s interest in reading and to motivate my student to enjoy reading more than he or she already does.

I believe that authentic assessments are excellent types of assessments for all students. I think that students learn better when they can relate the information being learned to their prior knowledge. In my opinion, authentic assessments engage teachers and students in all subject areas and prepare them for real world situations. Since responses from an authentic assessment often require a sophisticated understanding of knowledge in a content area, authentic tests are good preparation for state test and challenges later in life. When I become a teacher, I will utilize authentic assessments in my classroom as much as possible.


  1. Karey, I believe that authentic assessment is very vital to an effective classroom. I don't know how many times we have heard this recently. Providing these various forms of assessment allows for variety in the classroom as well as a way for teachers to see what is best for each individual.

    I also agree with you when you discuss the Reading attitude and interest inventory. These forms of assessments allows we as teachers to see what interest each individual child as well as what does not. Providing them with the reading attitude survey provides us with information on how they feel about reading and what types of reading interest them.

  2. Sarah, I think we have the same thoughts about authentic assessments.I believe that the reading attitude and interest inventories that we administered to our students last week provided us with great information to get to know our student and their opinions about reading.
