Sunday, January 25, 2009

Multiple Literacies

My current multiple literacies include text messages, television, MySpace, textbooks, children’s books, Facebook, and emails. I utilize all of these multiple literacies at least once a day. With access to these multiple literacies, I can communicate with others, learn new information, and entertain myself or my children. MySpace and Facebook are two multiple literacies in my life that I have a relationship with others. I can communicate with my friends and family, or I can observe information about my friends by reading their profiles. I am addicted to MySpace because it allows me to keep up with many people without calling or seeing them. I love to log in Facebook to read all the comments and messages that all my friends post. I use Facebook and MySpace as a way of communicating with others, keeping up with others, and finding old friends that I lost contact with after high school.
Television is a multiple literacy that I have in common with my friends and family. I can communicate with them about television shows that we like to watch. I enjoy watching a movie or a cartoon show with my kids. I can communicate with them about the show. My kids love to talk about what is happening on a cartoon show. I believe that television enhances a closer communication bond between my family and me. Textbooks are one of my multiple literacies because I have to read the text in the books and discuss the information with classmates and my teachers. I have a relationship with my classmates and my teachers when we discuss the information that we read in our textbooks. Another one of my multiple literacies is reading children’s books. When I read my kids a book, there is a bonding relationship between us. As a way to say goodnight, I will read them a bedtime story, and they love to hear that story before they go to sleep.
I use Email as a way to communicate with my teachers, classmates, friends, and miscellaneous people about business issues. I can Email my teachers if I have a question or concern about the class. My teachers send Emails that include power points or other information needed for their class. I send Emails to my classmates about school issues or assignments. I mainly use Email as a way to correspond to my teachers and classmates. I communicate with friends and family through text messaging as one of my multiple literacies. I am able to send a question or comment to my friends in a rapid method. All of the multiple literacies in my life allow me to communicate daily with my friends, family, classmates, teachers, and others.


  1. I see that you make good use of each literacy that you possess Karey. I also use Facebook and Myspace for communication between families and friends. I love the way that you incorporate literacy to bond with your kids, not only are they developing another literacy, but they are able to learn and bond with you at the same time.

  2. We have a lot of the same multiple literacies in our life which just goes to show how that can in enhance a person's relationship and interest with others. I like how you included movies as another literacy. I had forgotten about movies but I also use that as a literacy. Movies or clips from a movie are also great to use in the classroom when trying to get a point across about a certain topic or concept. I never thought of how all these things can enhance and affect our relationship with others, especially our students. Even though I feel a bit lazy at times by just facebooking someone because I do not feel like calling them, it is another great way to look up students' interests for those shy ones in the classroom. I can not even imagine what new multiple literacies that with play an important role in our lives in the future since only a few years ago facebook, myspace, and texting were not apart of our multiple literacies.

  3. I agree with everything you have said about all the multiple literacy’s in your life because all of them apply to my family, friends, classmates and teachers. I can relate to how multi-literacy helps me keep in touch and depending on the person I am contacting the mode of contact with change. I agree that multi-literacy’s can also sometimes be the bases for our connection. An example would be when friends get together to watch a movie and then go and have dinner to talk about what they like or disliked and connect based on shared emotions and not just superficially.
    Movies can be a way to express opinions or ideas in a classroom. You can show a small clip that express anger or sadness. Also, we can share some historical events, or give visual representation to a historical time like the movie hamlet or Romeo and Juliet. Some children have trouble understanding the language of Romeo and Juliet but with the movie they can grasp the parts that are not clear by reading the text.
    Finally, I can really relate to reading a book to my children. It is a family tradition that I have started with my children that we go to the library every Wednesday when I get home from school and check out at least 2 books. We read these books before they go to bed at night. Without this small window of time spent with my children at night reading a simple story I might not get to spend any quality time with them on some of our more crazy days.
